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Our RCK Family has grown over the years. We have a great crew that loves to work with the new students as they step onto the mat for training.  Many have a common interest in Muay Thai Kickboxing or Combat Fitness Training and our students love to push each other which is fantastic for us.  I have seen so many come into our system and get stronger and faster that's healthy physically and spirtually. All this warrior training works wonders on the body.  We have a great place that we can all train together and form lasting friendships with other students. Our main goal for all of  our students is character building and that's a huge part of what we are all about. Martial Arts to us has always been a way of life, not just fighting. The last thing we want to do is fight, but if we are forced to protect ourself then it's on!   We offer many systems like HaganaH, Muay Thai Kickboxing, Combat Fitness, Fit To Fight, Teen RCK, Ladies RCK, Sparring Club, Ground Fighting, Open Mat, Kickboxing, I.T.K. 




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